
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.03.21




西历: 2015年3月21日 星期六
农历: 2015年  未羊年 二月 初二
干支: 乙未年 己卯月 丙申日
值日吉神:四相 天马 要安 解神 除神 鸣吠
今日宜:祭祀 沐浴 扫舍宇 捕捉 取鱼
值日凶煞:劫煞 小耗 五离 白虎
今日忌:祁福 求嗣 上册受封 上表章 袭爵受封 会亲友 冠带 出行 上官
赴任 临政亲民 结婚姻 纳采问名 嫁娶 进人口 移徙 安床 解除 剃头 整
手足甲 求医疗病 裁衣 筑堤防 修造动土 竖柱上梁 修仓库 鼓铸 经络
湍?开市 立券 交易 纳财 开仓库出货财 修置产室 开渠穿井 安碓铠 补
垣塞穴 修饰垣墙 破屋坏垣 栽种 牧养 纳畜 破土 安葬 启攒
彭祖百忌:丙不修灶 必见火殃 申不安床 鬼崇入房 执可捕捉 盗贼难藏
曜仙择吉:和        金符经九星当值:角己        星宿:氐
福神方位:正东      财神方位:正西      喜神方位:西南
贵神方位:正西      吉门方位:正东      生门方位:东南
鹤神方位:在天      五鬼方位:西南      死门方位:西北
八卦方位:震      生肖:猴      人神在:外踝/肩背/头/股
今日冲煞:猴日冲虎(  寅)岁煞南      胎神占方:厨灶炉房内北
Sirius: Saturday March 21, 2015
The lunar calendar: 2015 February two years without sheep
Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches: Yi Wei Ji Mao Bing Shen day month year
Duty: four discussed the phase Tianma to Ann God except God Ming bark
Today should be: ritual bathing Sao Sheyu capture fish
Demon: duty Jiesha small consumption of five from the white tiger
Today the bogey: Qi Fu for the people on the closures on closures will crown with relatives and friends besides xijue travel Shangguan
Post governance of PFP marriage NACE asked name marriage into the population migration bed lift shaved the whole
Hand foot armour for medical cloth bank built earth vertical column beam warehouses Guzhu main and collateral channels
Turbulent? Opening securities transactions accept money to open warehouse property repair habitat chamber Kaiqu wear well An Duikai fill
Wall plug hole modified wall broken house bad yuan plant shepherd nano livestock ground breaking buried Rev save
Bing Shen mountain fire preparing hold on
Peng Zubai: C didn’t fix the stove will avoid see fire calamity Shen bed into the real execution can capture the furtive thief difficult to hide
Yao Xian: pick an auspicious day and Jin Fu after Jiuxing duty: angle has the stars: Di
The God of fortune: the God of wealth: west east direction azimuth xishen range: Southwest
Your God range: Zhengxi Gehman range: east southeast door range:
Open range: Northeast
Heshen range: on the day the Wugui range: Southwest die door range: Northwest
The eight trigrams: shock: Zodiac monkey man of God in: lateral / shoulder / head / share
Today the evil Red: monkey Oki tiger (Yin) years old evil South French side: kitchen stove housing accounted for in the North

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易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.03.21

