
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2013.02.19

YIJUSHI Almanac易居士 | Et Media的图片 第2张
西歷: 2014年2月19日 星期三 
農歷: 2014年  午馬年 正月 廿十 
干支: 甲午年 丙寅月 辛酉日 
值日吉神:月德合 陰德 福生 除神 鳴吠 
值日兇煞:天吏 致死 四廢 五虛 五離 元武 三陰 
彭祖百忌:辛不合醬 主人不嘗 酉不會客 賓主有傷 危可捕魚 不利行船 
曜仙擇吉:○        金符經九星當值:煞貢        星宿:軫 
福神方位:西南      財神方位:正東      喜神方位:西南 
貴神方位:東北      吉門方位:東南      生門方位:正南 
鶴神方位:東南      五鬼方位:西北      死門方位:正北 
八卦方位:乾      生肖:雞      人神在:內踝/脾/背/股 
今日沖煞:雞日沖兔(  卯)歲煞東      胎神占方:廚灶門外東南
Sirius: Wednesday February 19, 2014
The lunar calendar lunar January 20: Wu Ma in 2014 years
Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches Jia Wu: Bing Yinyue Xin Youri
On duty: Compare on German virtue Fusheng except God Ming bark
Today is: nothing is better
Demon: who killed four on duty day spent five five from Yuan Wu three yindeficiency
Avoid: an off day today
Xin You pomegranate wood special day of danger
Peng Zu 100 bogey: symplectic sub jam master not taste unitary not the guest host injury risk can be unprofitable boat
Yao Xian Kyrgyzstan: ○ gold Fu Jing Jiuxing duty: Evil stars: Zhen Gong
The God of fortune range: the range of Southwest China: east god range:Southwest
Your God range: Northeast Gehman range: southeast door range: South
Open range: East
Heshen range: Southeast goki range: Die door range: North Northwest
Gossip directions: dry zodiac: Chicken: God in medial malleolus / spleen / back / share
Today the evil Red: Chicken Oki rabbit (MAO) years old evil east god ofParty: the kitchen door Southeast
易居士 | Et Media的图片 第3张
版权所有,转载请注明: 转载自易居士
- See more at: http://yijush.com/%E6%98%93%E5%B1%85%E5%A3%AB%E5%90%89%E6%97%A5%E9%80%9A%E4%B9%A6-yijushi-almanac2013-02-19.html#sthash.5Cg4UvD5.dpuf

