
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.04.04




西历: 2015年4月4日 星期六
农历: 2015年  未羊年 二月 十六
干支: 乙未年 己卯月 庚戌日
值日吉神:月空 天恩 六合 不将 金堂
值日凶煞:月煞 月虚 四击 天牢
今日忌:祁福 求嗣 袭爵受封 出行 上官赴任 临政亲民 解除 剃头 整手
足甲 求医疗病 裁衣 筑堤防 修造动土 竖柱上梁 修仓库 鼓铸 经络
开渠穿井 安碓铠 补垣塞穴 修饰垣墙 破屋坏垣 栽种 牧养 
彭祖百忌:庚不经络 织机虚张 戌不吃犬 作怪上床 危可捕鱼 不利行船
曜仙择吉:和        金符经九星当值:禾刀        星宿:胃
福神方位:西南      财神方位:正东      喜神方位:西北
贵神方位:西南      吉门方位:正南      生门方位:西南
鹤神方位:东北      五鬼方位:正西      死门方位:东北
八卦方位:兑      生肖:狗      人神在:胸/膝/头/腰
今日冲煞:犬日冲龙(  辰)岁煞北      胎神占方:碓磨栖外东北

Sirius: Saturday April 4, 2015

Lunar calendar: 2015 February sixteen sheep

The good: Yi Wei month ‘date

On duty: Compare on air by Liuhe Jintang

Today should be: take fish

Demon: month evil month empty four hit day

Today the bogey: Qi Fu for the people to people travel following the title wasShangguan administration relieve shaved the whole hand

Foot nail for medical cloth bank building earth vertical beam warehousescasting main and collateral channels

Canal wear well wall plug hole modified An Duikai house bad yuan plant feedwalls

Geng Chen gold hairpin, Yiwei day

Peng Zu 100 bogey: G is meridian magnification. Don’t eat dog trouble looms tobe adverse to the fishing.

Yao Xian auspicious and Jin Fu Jing Jiuxing: Wo knife stars: stomach

The God of fortune: the range of southwest direction: east god range: Northwest

Your God range: Southwest the range: South door range: Southwest

Open range: Southeast

Crane: Northeast azimuth Wugui: God range west door of death: Northeast azimuth

Gossip directions: against the zodiac: dog God in: chest / head / knee / waist

Today the evil red dog, red dragon (Chen) – evil North French accounted for:stone grinding habitat outside the Northeast

特价手机明细清表 手机报价明细清表 手机配件报价明细清表

易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.04.04

