
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.04.14




西历: 2015年4月14日 星期二
农历: 2015年  未羊年 二月 廿六
干支: 乙未年 己卯月 庚申日
值日吉神:月恩 三合 临日 时阴 敬安 除神 金匮 鸣吠
今日宜:祭祀 沐浴 扫舍宇
值日凶煞:月厌 地火 死气 四废 往亡 五离 八专 孤辰 阴错
今日忌:祁福 求嗣 上册受封 上表章 袭爵受封 会亲友 冠带 出行 上官
赴任 临政亲民 结婚姻 纳采问名 嫁娶 进人口 移徙 远回 安床 解除 剃
头 整手足甲 求医疗病 裁衣 筑堤防 修造动土 竖柱上梁 修仓库 鼓铸
酝酿 开市 立券 交易 纳财 开仓库出货财 修置产室 开渠穿井 安碓
铠 补垣塞穴 修饰垣墙 平治道途 破屋坏垣 伐木 捕捉 畋猎 取鱼 栽种
牧养 纳畜 破土 安葬 启攒
彭祖百忌:庚不经络 织机虚张 申不安床 鬼崇入房 定宜进畜 入学名扬
曜仙择吉:和        金符经九星当值:煞贡        星宿:翼
福神方位:西南      财神方位:正东      喜神方位:西北
贵神方位:西南      吉门方位:正东      生门方位:东南
鹤神方位:东南      五鬼方位:正西      死门方位:西北
八卦方位:震      生肖:猴      人神在:胸/膝/头/腰
今日冲煞:猴日冲虎(  寅)岁煞南      胎神占方:碓磨炉外东南

Sirius: Tuesday April 14, 2015

Lunar calendar: 2015 February 26 sheep

The next year month day: good tea

On duty: Compare on en three pro day Yin Jing An except God Jin Kui’s bark

Today should be: ritual bathing Sao Sheyu

Demon: month. ‘four waste to the dead fire from five eight Gu Chen booby

Today the bogey: Qi Fu for the people I was on the show will crown withrelatives and friends travel following the title was Shangguan

His administration first marriage NACE asked the name of marriage into thepopulation migration back to bed lift off

The first whole foot nail for medical cloth bank building earth vertical beamwarehouses casting

The opening of securities transactions, brewing property open warehouseproperty repair purchase room canal An Dui wear well

Armor Repair wall plug hole modified wall Mercedes Benz path broken house badyuan logging hunting fish capture plant

Pastoral livestock ground burial and save.

Geng Shen pomegranate wood special day

Peng Zu 100 bogey: G is main and collateral channels loom non Shen bed into the room should be set into the furtive and famous school

Yao Xian auspicious and Jin Fu Jing Jiuxing: Sha Gong stars: Wing

The God of fortune: the range of southwest direction: east god range: Northwest

Your God: the range of Southwest orientation: east southeast door range:

Open range: Northeast

Crane: the black range: God range southeast of west door of death: the northwest bearing

Gossip directions: earthquake zodiac: Monkey God in: chest / head / knee / waist

Today the evil Red: monkey, red tiger (Yin) years old child of God for evil South: stone mill furnace Southeast

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易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.04.14

