
數碼E城|大華月入萬元暴利賺錢①--同城面交小試牛刀E Digital City|Dahua earning million windfall profits①--City hand NiuDao


去年夏天,我厭倦了整日坐在辦公室,5天8小時的枯燥工作,這什麼時候才是頭,一個月兩千,一年兩萬,一輩子工作50年=100W,作為農村來的我,沒有文化,沒有學歷,沒有達官撐腰,亦沒有貴人相助,難道我的人生,我忙忙碌碌的人生就可以被僅僅的100W買去嗎?我不甘心,我要為自己的人生找到出口,可是,我能幹什麼呢,我每天要上班8個小時,難道下班了再去做一份兼職把自己累成 牛一樣?因為每天在電腦跟前,便有了這個很得力的條件,於是我想在網上搜索一份jian職,可以先做做,我找到了那種項鏈,手鐲,需要自己帶回家串珠子賺錢,一天一百,還有淘寶客,給淘寶店做好評,然後截圖,做一個產品的好評,花費十幾分鐘就得那麼幾毛一塊錢,看的我頭昏眼花,莽莽撞撞又看到TOM hua的日誌,不過他行銷得太猛烈,每天都往我的郵箱裏塞軟體,我便不再相信這個在互聯網上賣電子書發財的人,互聯網上,各種各樣的忽悠,各種各樣的行銷,我躲過了一些,也被一些所忽悠。我迷茫絕望到有些不相信互聯網賺錢,可能,互聯網是不會給我這種什麼也不會做的人一個賺錢的機會的。
我在百度上這麼無意間逛來逛去,如獲至寶,看見了這條獨樹一幟的文章,文章 所寫,即為分類資訊貝兼錢。
我在思忖了一天晚上之後,第二天,就倒賣了自己用的iphone4S,換得了2千塊錢,第二天,自己進了第一台精仿小米2S,1200塊錢。說實在的我有擔憂,擔心人家不給我發貨,擔心買回來是個廢品,賣不出去,等我收到手機的時候,能做出這麼逼真的手機歎為觀止,以前我還總是誇誇其談自己如何如何了解手機,一般的手機到我手上來回滑動幾下屏,我都能分出個好壞,再或者看看他的系統,運行,但是,收到的這個小米2S徹底顛覆了我對手機行業的認知,真是以假亂真,手機我沒敢怎麼玩,就趕緊去發帖子了,手機號都沒來得及換,在58同城,趕集網,百姓網,各發了一條帖子,下午5點發的帖子,到晚上7點出辦公室,2個小時內接到了將近10個電話和QQ的聯繫人。我按照自己的分析,挑了一個把握最高的人,就約好地點和他見面了,當然在這之前,我把這部精仿小米2S和真機小米2S的幾個細微的差別仔細瞭解了個通透。到了見面地點,廢話沒有多少,對方直接要求拆開盒子檢驗手機,我強裝鎮靜,可心裏卻鼓點亂敲,萬一他發現了怎麼辦,他會不會報警。可我還是微笑著看著 他拆開盒子,安上電池,完美開機,完美運行,這個人也比較爽快,直接給我點了現金,1700。我接過他遞給我的1700.打了招呼後便各自離開,我加緊步伐,揣著自己的錢,心裏滿是感激,感激老天?感激那位大師的文章?感激那個買我手機的人?感激自己?我也不知道,我只知道,自己在短短的10分鐘內,zhuan了500塊,這是我在互聯網zhuan到的第一桶金,它不像之前那些網ZHUAN論壇,網zhuan大師口中道出來的那麼玄乎,這500塊來的就是這麼實在,可能你們會嘲笑我,嘲笑我zhuan昧良心的錢,嘲笑我靠騙人賺錢。我不在乎那麼多,回到家裏以後,我躺在床上想,如果我這次進的是3個手機呢,或者是5個手機呢,我相信我很有把握一兩天把它們賣出去,那麼我一天就可以zhuan一千以上了,

數碼E城|大華 QQ:2645472285

- to those who are still confused of Wangzhuan friends

I itself is a bad expression, but many novice students, some classification andcombat the recommendations of friends, now decided to spare some time to talk about some of the details of the actual information classification and method of operation, whether you are stumbling can not find an outlet in the Internet,or the operation of Taobao gray project today is not tomorrow, or not evenconfused in what s.s.c, gambling, or has already sold several models has not seen substantial growth in revenue classification veteran, in the hope ofseeing my log to you on the Internet and money shellfish have a good location,and leap growth.

Classification information website, that is, 58 city and Ganji, people network,etc. some of the information classification nature of the site, and I, isthrough the classification of information website of mobile phone sector, Zhuanto their first pot of gold in the internet.

Last summer, I got tired of sitting in the office all day, 5 days and 8 hoursof boring work, this time what is the head, two thousand a month, a year twenty thousand, a lifetime of 50 years =100W, as the country I, no culture, no qualifications, no high backing, nor your help don’t, my life, my busy life can be only 100W to buy? I am not willing, I want to find the exit, but for my own life, I can do what, I go to work every day for 8 hours, don’t work to do a part-time job to make yourself into a bull? Because every day in front of the computer, will have the very good condition, so I want to search a Jian post on the Internet, can do, I found the necklace, bracelet, need to bring their ownhome beads to make money, day one hundred, and Taobao, Taobao shop to do the assessment, and screenshots make a product from spent ten minutes so few centsa piece of money, I see the vast bump and dizziness, see the TOM Hua log, but he sold too violent, every day to my mailbox in the plug software, I will no longer believe in the Internet to sell e-books and fortune people on the Internet, a variety of flicker, a variety of marketing, I escaped, but also by some flicker. I lost some money to despair, do not believe that the Internet,the Internet is not possible, give me what this would be a chance to make money.

However, one at noon accidentally, I saw a master phone classificationinformation tutorial, it changed my life until now..

I’m in Baidu so inadvertently strolled, treasure, saw this unique article, the article, is the classification of information and money shellfish.

I thought after a night, second days, then resold the own use iphone4S, for2000 dollars, second days, he entered into the first fine imitation of millet 2S, 1200 dollars. Honestly I was worried, afraid they won’t give me worry aboutdelivery, buy back is a waste, not sell, when I received a mobile phone, can make such a realistic mobile phone I always indulge in verbiage as the acme of perfection, how to understand the general mobile phone, mobile phone into my hand slide back and forth a few screen I can tell, good or bad, or have a lookof his system, operation, however, the millet 2S received completely subvert myperception of the mobile phone industry, really I did not dare to mix the spurious with the genuine mobile phone, how to play, go to post, mobile phone,no time to change, in 58 city, go to the market network, people network, eachmade a post, post the 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., 2 hours out of the office, receivednearly 10 calls and QQ contacts. I according to your analysis, pick a grasp of the highest, is about a good place to meet with him, of course, before this, I put a few subtle this fine imitation of millet millet 2S and real 2S differencecarefully to understand a transparent. To meet the site, no nonsense, the otherrequirements of unpacking the box test mobile phone, I put a calm heart, there is the drum luanqiao, if he found out what to do, he will not alarm. Can I still smile to see him open the box, install the battery, the perfect boot,perfect run, that person is relatively straightforward, direct give me somecash, 1700. I took him and handed me the 1700 greeting after their departure, Istepped up the pace, put their money, the heart is full of gratitude, gratitude to God? Grateful to the masters? Grateful to the people who buy my mobile phone? Grateful? I don’t know, I only know that, in just 10 minutes, Zhuan 500,this is my first pot of gold in the Zhuan to the Internet, it is not before thenet ZHUAN forum, then xuanhu network Zhuan master out of the way, the 500 blockis that it can be, you will laugh at me, laugh at me Zhuan unconscionablemoney, make money by a laugh at me. I don’t care so much, after returning to his home, I would like to lie on the bed, if I entered the 3 mobile phone, or 5mobile phone, I believe I am sure one or two days to sell them, then one day Ican Zhuan more than one thousand,

So, on the second day, I borrowed some money, suddenly into the 3 mobile phone,after 5, 10 into, in just half a month time, sold 20 mobile phone, every day Iwork as usual, work, rest at noon time to go to the fair, when night work go to the transaction.

Free time sitting in front of the computer, the more information at the masterclassification of practical article, see how many times I can not remember, I repeated digestion, advance slowly, or need to pay attention to the place in the transaction when I put these knowledge have a transparent, such as He Fatie. Not to make die paste, classification of information network will not be hidden, how to use a black card, through multiple accounts, the card the amount consumed,How to reduce the cost as much as possible in a short period of time, the clientand I chat, call in, find a breakthrough, out of his tone, identify whether he knew the mobile phone, and then meet in a variety of circumstances, no matterwhat place, what environment, what I must do, not maximum likelihood waste every customer, in between to use words, not just one or two words, not to go aroundthe cliches, but I summarize in combat during their set of skills, this skillafter I am familiar with the day, almost reached more than ninety percent of the turnover rate. The experience and skill of me, I will be free to share everyclassification of friends, motivate them more efficient to make money.

Serial update… Interested friends space added attention, obtain first-handinformation of actual profits immediately.

The digital city of E | Dahua QQ:2645472285

數碼E城|大華月入萬元暴利賺錢①--同城面交小試牛刀E Digital City|Dahua earning million windfall profits①--City hand NiuDao

