
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.05.06




西曆: 2015年5月6日 星期三

農曆: 2015年 未羊年 三月 十八

干支: 乙未年 庚辰月 壬午日

值日吉神:天恩 官日 吉期 聖心 青龍 鳴吠

今日宜:祭祀 祈福 襲爵受封 會親友 出行 上官赴任 臨政親民 解除 沐

浴 剃頭 整手足甲 求醫療病 掃舍宇 破土 安葬

值日凶煞:大時 大敗 咸池

今日忌:苫蓋 開渠


彭祖百忌:壬不決水 難更堤防 午不苫蓋 室主更張 除可服藥 針灸亦良

曜仙擇吉:和 金符經九星當值:禾刀 星宿:參

福神方位:西北 財神方位:正南 喜神方位:正南

貴神方位:正東 吉門方位:東北 生門方位:正東


鶴神方位:西北 五鬼方位:東南 死門方位:正西

八卦方位:兌 生肖:馬 人神在:股內/腎/心腹/股

今日沖煞:馬日沖鼠( 子)歲煞北 胎神占方:倉庫碓外西北

Sirius: Wednesday May 6, 2015

The lunar new year in March eighteen 2015: sheep

Geng Chenyue: Yi Wei Ren Wu, heavenly stems and Earthly Branches

On duty: compare grace on the wedding day of Qinglong Ming at Sacred HeartOfficer

Today should be: Ritual blessing will travel to relatives xijue was Shangguanadministration people lift Mu

Bath shaved whole foot nail for medical Sao Sheyu ground burial

Demon: when defeated Xianchi

Bogey: canal cover today

In addition, Ren Wu willow wood

Peng Ren: 100 bogey never hard water more not covered the main changes in the afternoon of may Yi Liang acupuncture and medication

Yao Xian: auspicious and gold Fu Jing Jiuxing: Wo knife stars: Ginseng

The God of fortune: God of wealth: South northwest range range range: Southxishen

Dear God: east direction: Northeast Luis Jimenez range: east door range

Open range: North

God: Crane range: southeast northwest direction Black Death door range: West

Gossip directions: against the zodiac: Horse God in: inner thigh / kidney /heart / share

Today the evil Red: Marie rushed in (sub) at the French side: for evil Northnorthwest stone outside warehouse


易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.05.06

