
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.03.24




西历: 2015年3月24日 星期二
农历: 2015年  未羊年 二月 初五
干支: 乙未年 己卯月 己亥日
值日吉神:月德合 母仓 三合 临日 天喜 天医 不将
今日宜:祭祀 祁福 求嗣 上册受封 上表章 袭爵受封 会亲友 入学 出行
上官赴任 临政亲民 结婚姻 纳采问名 进人口 移徙 解除 沐浴 求医疗
裁衣 筑堤防 修造动土 竖柱上梁 修仓库 经络 酝酿 开市 立券 交易
纳财 安碓铠 栽种 牧养 纳畜
值日凶煞:重日 元武
今日忌:嫁娶 畋猎 取鱼
彭祖百忌:己不破券 二主并亡 亥不嫁娶 必主分张 成可入学 争讼不强
曜仙择吉:和        金符经九星当值:妖星        星宿:尾
福神方位:正南      财神方位:正北      喜神方位:东北
贵神方位:西南      吉门方位:东南      生门方位:正南
鹤神方位:在天      五鬼方位:正北      死门方位:正北
八卦方位:艮      生肖:猪      人神在:口/背/项/股
今日冲煞:猪日冲蛇(  巳)岁煞西      胎神占方:占门床房内南

Sirius: Tuesday March 24, 2015

The lunar calendar: 2015 sheep annual fifth day of February

Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches: Yi Wei Ji Mao Ji Hai day month year

Duty: month discussed German mother bin three pro day Tianxi day will not

Qi Fu: today should sacrifice Qiusi Vol.1 closures on closures will have dixijue relatives entrance travel

Shangguan post near the politics people marriage NACE inquiry into thepopulation migration to lift bath for medical

Your bank building earth vertical column beam warehouses main and collateral channels brewing for opening securities transactions

Accepts the wealth An Duikai shepherd Na animal plant

Demon: heavy duty on Yuan Wu

Today the bogey: marriage hunting fish

Ji Hai flat wooden day

Peng Zu 100 bogey: has not broken ticket two main and died unmarried will bethe main sorting into the Ohio school dispute is not strong

Yao Xian: pick an auspicious day and Jin Fu after Jiuxing duty: Ms stars: tail

The God of fortune range: South wealth range: north northeast orientation: God

Your God range: Southwest Gehman range: range: south southeast door

Open range: East

Heshen range: on the day the Wugui range: Die door range: North North

The eight trigrams: Gen zodiac: Pig Man God in: export / back / item / unit

Today the evil Red: Pig Oki snake (SI) years old evil west side: fetalaccounted for accounted for bed room south gate

特价手机明细清表 手机报价明细清表 手机配件报价明细清表

易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.03.24

