
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.03.31




西曆: 2015年3月31日 星期二

農曆: 2015年 未羊年 二月 十二

干支: 乙未年 己卯月 丙午日

值日吉神:四相 時德 民日 益後 金匱 鳴吠

今日宜:祭祀 修飾垣牆 平治道途

值日凶煞:河魁 死神 天吏 致死

今日忌:祁福 求嗣 上冊受封 上表章 襲爵受封 會親友 冠帶 出行 上官

赴任 臨政親民 結婚姻 納采問名 嫁娶 進人口 移徙 安床 解除 求醫療

裁衣 築堤防 修造動土 豎柱上樑 修倉庫 鼓鑄 苫蓋 經絡 醞釀 開市

立券 交易 納財 開倉庫出貨財 修置產室 開渠穿井 栽種 牧養 納畜

安葬 啟攢


彭祖百忌:丙不修灶 必見火殃 午不苫蓋 室主更張 平可塗泥 安機吉昌

曜仙擇吉:○ 金符經九星當值:人專 星宿:室

福神方位:正東 財神方位:正西 喜神方位:西南

貴神方位:西北 吉門方位:東北 生門方位:正東


鶴神方位:在天 五鬼方位:西南 死門方位:正西

八卦方位:坎 生肖:馬 人神在:發際/肩背/心腹/腰

今日沖煞:馬日沖鼠( 子)歲煞北 胎神占方:廚灶碓房內東

Sirius: Tuesday March 31, 2015

The lunar calendar in 2015 twelve February: sheep

Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches: Yi Wei Ji Mao Bing Wu day month year

Duty: four discussed phase when the German people increasingly after Jin Kui’sbark

Today should be: sacrifice modified wall Mercedes Benz path

Duty room: Fukui river day official death death

Today the bogey: Qi Fu for the people on the closures on closures will crownwith relatives and friends besides xijue travel Shangguan

Post governance of PFP marriage NACE asked name marriage into the population migration bed for medical termination

Your bank building earth vertical column beam warehouses drum cover openingmeridians brewing

Securities transactions accept money to open warehouse property repair habitatchamber Kaiqu wear well planted feed nano animal

Open and save the burial

Bing Wu day river weekdays only

Peng Zubai: C didn’t fix the stove will avoid fire calamity does not cover the main see Wu Zhang Ping Tu mud machine Ji Chang

Yao Xian Kyrgyzstan: in Jin Fu after Jiuxing duty: Stars: room specially

The God of fortune range: East Mammon range: West xishen range: Southwest

Your God range: Northwest Gehman range: door: East northeast azimuth

Open range: North

Heshen range: in the days of Wugui range: Southwest die door range: West

The eight trigrams: ridge zodiac: horse people of God in: hair / shoulder /henchman / waist

Today the evil Red: Marie thrust rats (sub) years old evil North Frenchaccounted for Party: the kitchen stove mill East

特价手机明细清表 手机报价明细清表 手机配件报价明细清表

易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.03.31

