
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.04.03




西历: 2015年4月3日 星期五
农历: 2015年  未羊年 二月 十五
干支: 乙未年 己卯月 己酉日
值日吉神:月德合 天恩 玉宇 除神 玉堂 鸣吠
值日凶煞:月破 大耗 灾煞 天火 月厌 地火 五虚 五离 阴道 冲阳
彭祖百忌:己不破券 二主并亡 酉不会客 宾主有伤 破宜治病 必主安康
曜仙择吉:○        金符经九星当值:惑星        星宿:娄
福神方位:正南      财神方位:正北      喜神方位:东北
贵神方位:西南      吉门方位:正南      生门方位:西南
鹤神方位:东北      五鬼方位:正东      死门方位:东北
八卦方位:乾      生肖:鸡      人神在:遍身/背/背/腰
今日冲煞:鸡日冲兔(  卯)岁煞东      胎神占方:占大门外东北

Sirius: Friday April 3, 2015

Lunar calendar: 2015 February fifteen sheep

Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches: Yi Wei year month day Ji Mao Ji You

On duty: Compare on de grace of God Yu Tang, Yu Yu in addition to bark

Today should be: not everything

Demon: month break big disaster evil fire. The fire five months out of the vagina Chong Yang deficiency five

Avoid: nothing today

Ji You Da Yi Tu Bao day break

Peng Zu 100 bogey: has not broken the ticket two main death is not off theunitary and has broken should cure will host Ankang

Yao Xian: auspicious, Jin Fu Jing Jiuxing: planetary constellations: Lou

The God of fortune: the range of North South orientation: God range: Northeast

Your God: the range of southwest South southwest door range: range:

Open range: Southeast

Crane: Northeast azimuth Wugui God range: East Die door range: Northeast

Gossip directions: dry zodiac: Chicken: God in all over the body / back / back / waist

Today the evil Red: chicken, red rabbit (d) years old child of God: for evil East Gate northeast accounted for

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易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.04.03

