西曆: 2015年4月21日 星期二
農曆: 2015年 未羊年 三月 初三
干支: 乙未年 庚辰月 丁卯日
值日吉神:天德合 月德合 天恩 四相 官日 要安 五合 鳴吠對
今日宜:祭祀 裁衣 補垣塞穴
值日凶煞:月害 天吏 致死 血支 勾陳
今日忌:剃頭 求醫療病 療目 針刺 穿井 畋獵 取魚
彭祖百忌:丁不剃頭 頭主生瘡 卯不穿井 泉水不香 閉不豎造 只許安康
曜仙擇吉:○ 金符經九星當值:蔔木 星宿:尾
福神方位:正東 財神方位:正西 喜神方位:正南
貴神方位:西北 吉門方位:西南 生門方位:正西
鶴神方位:正南 五鬼方位:正東 死門方位:正東
八卦方位:離 生肖:兔 人神在:股內/胸脅/鼻/股
今日沖煞:兔日沖雞( 酉)歲煞西 胎神占方:倉庫門外正南
Sirius: Tuesday April 21, 2015
The lunar calendar: 2015 March three sheep
Geng Chenyue Ding Maori: Yi Wei heavenly stems and Earthly Branches
On duty: compare Tiande month de grace four days, to five of Ming bark
Today should be: sacrifice your fill wall plug hole
Demon: month day blood and who killed Gou Chen
Today the bogey: Barber for medical treatment of acupuncture in hunting fish taking well.
Ding Mao furnace fire meaning close date
Peng Zu 100 bogey: Ding is not shaved head and sores and not wear well water is not sweet not erect only Xu Ankang
Yao Xian: auspicious, Jin Fu Jing Jiuxing: Bu wooden stars: tail
The God of fortune: the range of west east orientation: God range: South
Your God: the range of Southwest northwest bearing: directions: West door
Open range: South
Crane: the black range: God range of South East direction: east door of death
Gossip directions: from the zodiac: Rabbit: God in femoral / chest / nose / share
Today the evil red rabbit: Oki chicken (unitary) years old child of God: forevil west side outside the warehouse of the South
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.04.21