
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.04.17




西曆: 2015年4月17日 星期五

農曆: 2015年 未羊年 二月 廿九

干支: 乙未年 己卯月 癸亥日

值日吉神:母倉 玉堂


值日凶煞:遊禍 天賊 重日

今日忌:祁福 求嗣 出行 嫁娶 解除 求醫療病 修倉庫 開倉庫出貨財 破

土 安葬 啟攢


彭祖百忌:癸不詞訟 理弱敵強 亥不嫁娶 必主分張 危可捕魚 不利行船

曜仙擇吉:和 金符經九星當值:角己 星宿:亢

福神方位:正西 財神方位:正南 喜神方位:東南

貴神方位:正東 吉門方位:東南 生門方位:正南


鶴神方位:東南 五鬼方位:東北 死門方位:正北

八卦方位:艮 生肖:豬 人神在:膝脛/足/項/腰

今日沖煞:豬日沖蛇( 巳)歲煞西 胎神占方:占房床外東南

Sirius: Friday April 17, 2015

Lunar calendar: 2015 February 29 sheep

Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches: Yi Wei year month day Ji Mao Gui Hai

On duty: compare parent bin Yu Tang

Today should be: Bath

Demon: a thief day day tour

Today the bogey: Qi Fu for the people to travel for medical termination ofmarriage repair warehouse warehouse property damage

Soil burial and save

Gui Hai seawater special day of danger

Peng Zu 100 bogey: no legal cases and the weak against the strong, the mainsorting can be unmarried will be adverse to the fishing.

Yao Xian: auspicious and Jin Fu Jing Jiuxing: angle has stars: Kang

The God of fortune: the range of South West orientation: God: southeastdirection

Your God: East Southeast orientation: the orientation azimuth: South door

Open range: East

Crane: the black range: God range southeast door range: north northeast.

Gossip directions: Gen zodiac: Pig God: knee tibia / foot / item / waist

Today the evil Red: Red Snake pigs (have) years old child of God for evil west:Southeast real bed

特价手机明细清表 手机报价明细清表 手机配件报价明细清表

易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.04.17

