西曆: 2015年4月10日 星期五
農曆: 2015年 未羊年 二月 廿二
干支: 乙未年 己卯月 丙辰日
值日吉神:月空 四相 守日 玉宇 青龍
值日凶煞:月建 小時 土府 月刑
今日忌:祁福 求嗣 上冊受封 上表章 襲爵受封 會親友 冠帶 出行 上官
赴任 臨政親民 結婚姻 納采問名 嫁娶 進人口 移徙 安床 解除 剃頭 整
手足甲 求醫療病 裁衣 築堤防 修造動土 豎柱上樑 修倉庫 鼓鑄 經絡
開市 立券 交易 納財 開倉庫出貨財 修置產室 開渠穿井 安碓鎧 補
垣塞穴 修飾垣牆 平治道途 破屋壞垣 伐木 栽種 牧養 納畜 破土 安葬
彭祖百忌:丙不修灶 必見火殃 辰不哭泣 必主重喪 建宜出行 不可開倉
曜仙擇吉:○ 金符經九星當值:立早 星宿:鬼
福神方位:正東 財神方位:正西 喜神方位:西南
貴神方位:正西 吉門方位:西南 生門方位:正西
鶴神方位:正東 五鬼方位:西南 死門方位:正東
八卦方位:坤 生肖:龍 人神在:外踝/肩背/腰/腰
今日沖煞:龍日沖犬( 戌)歲煞南 胎神占方:廚灶棲外正東
Sirius: Friday April 10, 2015
The lunar calendar: 2015 sheep in February 22
Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches: Yi Wei year month day Ji Mao Bing Chen
On duty: compare the moon four Sabbath Yu Yu Dragon
Today should be: sacrifice
Demon: built on duty hours monthly government land
Today the bogey: Qi Fu for the people I was on the show will crown withrelatives and friends travel following the title was Shangguan
His administration first marriage NACE asked to marry into a bed lift shaved whole population migration
Foot nail for medical cloth bank building earth vertical beam warehousescasting main and collateral channels
The opening of securities transactions, property open warehouse property repairpurchase room canal An Duikai fill wear well
Wall plug hole modified wall Mercedes Benz path broken house bad yuan loggingplant feed livestock ground burial.
Open and save
Bing Chen Bao Jian on sand soil
Peng Zubai: C does not repair the stove fire calamity will not cry will be the main weight loss Chen Jian should travel can not open
Yao Xian auspicious:, Jin Fu Jing Jiuxing: early stars: Ghost
The God of fortune: East West orientation: the orientation of the God of range: Southwest
Your God range: west the range: Southwest door range: West
Open range: South
Crane: East Wugui range: God range southwest die door range: East
Gossip directions: Kun zodiac: Dragon God in: lateral malleolus / shoulder / waist / waist
Today the evil red dragon, red dog (Xu) years old child of God for evil southside: Kitchen habitat outside the East
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.04.10