
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.05.03




西曆: 2015年5月3日 星期日

農曆: 2015年 未羊年 三月 十五

干支: 乙未年 庚辰月 己卯日

值日吉神:天恩 官日 要安 五合


值日凶煞:月害 天吏 致死 血支 勾陳

今日忌:祁福 求嗣 上冊受封 上表章 襲爵受封 會親友 冠帶 出行 上官

赴任 臨政親民 結婚姻 納采問名 嫁娶 進人口 移徙 安床 解除 求醫療

療目 針刺 築堤防 修造動土 豎柱上樑 修倉庫 經絡 醞釀 開市 立券

交易 納財 開倉庫出貨財 修置產室 開渠穿井 栽種 牧養 納畜 破土


彭祖百忌:己不破券 二主並亡 卯不穿井 泉水不香 閉不豎造 只許安康

曜仙擇吉:○ 金符經九星當值:立早 星宿:昂

福神方位:正南 財神方位:正北 喜神方位:東北

貴神方位:西南 吉門方位:正西 生門方位:西北


鶴神方位:正西 五鬼方位:正北 死門方位:東南

八卦方位:艮 生肖:兔 人神在:遍身/背/鼻/腰

今日沖煞:兔日沖雞( 酉)歲煞西 胎神占方:占門廁外正南

Sirius: Sunday May 3, 2015

The lunar new year in March fifteen 2015: sheep

Geng Chenyue: Yi Wei Ji Mao, heavenly stems and Earthly Branches

On duty: compare to five days grace,

Today should be: fill wall plug hole

Demon: month and day official death blood Gou Chen

Today: avoid Qi Fu Qiusi I was on the show will travel with friends and relatives was xijue crown Shangguan

Post administration people marriage NACE asked a marriage migration into bedfor medical relief

Eye acupuncture therapy and passive anti embankment vertical beam repairwarehouse brewing coupon opening main and collateral channels

Open the warehouse property transactions accept money purchase room canal wearwell repair plant feed livestock was satisfied

The first day of closing Ji Mao soil

Pengzu 100 bogey: has not broken the ticket two main bases and deathdoes not wear well water is not only not erect Xu Ankang closed incense

Yao Xian: auspicious, Jin Fu Jing Jiuxing: establish early stars: Ang

The God of fortune: range just south of the God of wealth: North range:Northeast azimuth xishen

God: your range range: West southwest Luis Jimenez range: Northwest door

Open range: Southwest

God: Crane range: North West Black range: Southeast gate dead range

Gossip directions: Gen zodiac: Rabbit: God in all over the body / nose / back /waist

Today the evil red rabbit: Oki chicken (unitary) old evil west French side: fortoilet door for South


易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.05.03

