
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.05.08




西曆: 2015年5月8日 星期五

農曆: 2015年 未羊年 三月 廿十

干支: 乙未年 庚辰月 甲申日

值日吉神:月空 相日 六合 五富 不將 續世 除神 鳴吠

今日宜:祭祀 沐浴 掃舍宇 平治道途

值日凶煞:河魁 死神 月刑 遊禍 五虛 八風 血忌 五離 天刑

今日忌:祈福 求嗣 出行 安床 解除 求醫療病 針刺 裁衣 築堤防 修造

豎柱上樑 修倉庫 鼓鑄 開倉庫出貨財 修置產室 開渠穿井 安碓鎧

破屋壞垣 取魚 乘船渡水


彭祖百忌:甲不開倉 財物耗亡 申不安床 鬼崇入房 平可塗泥 安機吉昌

曜仙擇吉:和 金符經九星當值:直星 星宿:鬼

福神方位:東南 財神方位:東北 喜神方位:東北

貴神方位:西南 吉門方位:東北 生門方位:正東


鶴神方位:西北 五鬼方位:東南 死門方位:正西

八卦方位:震 生肖:猴 人神在:內踝/頭/頭/腰

今日沖煞:猴日沖虎( 寅)歲煞南 胎神占方:占門爐外西北

Sirius: Friday May 8, 2015

The lunar calendar: 2015 not March 20th year of the goat

Geng Chenyue: Yi Wei Jia Shen, heavenly stems and Earthly Branches

On duty: compare the moon phase on Liuhe five rich will continue the worldexcept God, barking

Today should be: ritual bathing Sao Sheyu Mercedes Benz path

Demon: death penalty curse Tour Quebec river month five winds five days away from the blood deficiency avoid punishment

Do not pray for today: travel for medical bed lifting to build embankment antiacupuncture cloth

The vertical beam casting repair warehouse warehouse property repair purchaseroom open canal wear well An Duikai

The broken house bad yuan take fish boat to cross the water

Jia Shen well water cut weekday

Pengzu 100 bogey: a not open property consumption dead Shen bed in the room can be coated with mud flat furtive Anji Ji Chang

Yao Xian: auspicious and gold Fu Jing Jiuxing: direct star stars: Ghost

The God of fortune: God of wealth: Northeast southeast range azimuth range:Northeast xishen

God: your range range: Northeast southwest Luis Jimenez range: east door

Open range: North

God: Crane range: southeast northwest direction Black Death door range: West

Gossip directions: earthquake zodiac: Monkey God: the medial malleolus / head /head / waist

Today the evil red monkey: Oki tiger (I) Old French for evil south side:outside the furnace door for the Northwest


易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.05.08

