西曆: 2015年5月5日 星期二
農曆: 2015年 未羊年 三月 十七
干支: 乙未年 庚辰月 辛巳日
值日吉神:天恩 陰德 相日 吉期 五富 金堂 明堂
今日宜:沐浴 掃舍宇
值日凶煞:劫煞 五虛 重日
今日忌:祁福 求嗣 上冊受封 上表章 冠帶 出行 結婚姻 納采問名 嫁娶
進人口 移徙 安床 求醫療病 裁衣 築堤防 修造動土 豎柱上樑 修倉庫
鼓鑄 醞釀 修置產室 開渠穿井 安碓鎧 補垣塞穴 修飾垣牆 破屋壞垣 破
土 安葬 啟攢
彭祖百忌:辛不合醬 主人不嘗 巳不遠行 財物伏藏 除可服藥 針灸亦良
曜仙擇吉:和 金符經九星當值:惑星 星宿:觜
福神方位:西南 財神方位:正東 喜神方位:西南
貴神方位:東北 吉門方位:正西 生門方位:西北
鶴神方位:正西 五鬼方位:西北 死門方位:東南
八卦方位:乾 生肖:蛇 人神在:氣沖/脾/手/腰
今日沖煞:蛇日沖豬( 亥)歲煞東 胎神占方:廚灶床外正西
Sirius: Tuesday May 5, 2015
The lunar new year in March seventeen 2015: sheep
Geng Chenyue Xin Siri: Yi Wei heavenly stems and Earthly Branches
On duty: compare five days grace judging phase Fu Jintang Ming Tang wedding day
Today should be bathed: Sao Sheyu
Demon: five empty day robbing the brains
Today: avoid Qi Fu Qiusi I was on the memorial to the crown with travelmarriage NACE asked a marriage
In the bed for migrant population medical disease prevention build earthembankment cutting vertical beam warehouses
Repair purchase room canal casting brewing in wells An Duikai yuan acupointwall broken house bad plug modified wall broken
Soil burial and save
Xin Si ash removal on gold
Pengzu 100 bogey: Xin not jam master not taste has not hidden in the propertyon Yi Liang Acupuncture Medication
Yao Xian: auspicious and gold Fu Jing Jiuxing: planetary constellations: mouth
The God of fortune: God of wealth: East southwest range range range: Southwestxishen
Your God range: Northeast azimuth: West door range: the Northwest
Open range: Southwest
God: Crane range: Northwest Gate dead range West Wugui range: Southeast
Gossip directions: dry zodiac: snake god in: air / spleen / hand / waist
Today the evil Red Snake: Oki pig (Ohio) at the age of the child of God: forevil East stoves bed West
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.05.05