西曆: 2015年5月11日 星期一
農曆: 2015年 未羊年 三月 廿三
干支: 乙未年 庚辰月 丁亥日
值日吉神:驛馬 天后 天倉 不將 金堂 寶光
值日凶煞:月破 大耗 四窮 七鳥 往亡 重日
彭祖百忌:丁不剃頭 頭主生瘡 亥不嫁娶 必主分張 破宜治病 必主安康
曜仙擇吉:○ 金符經九星當值:人專 星宿:張
福神方位:正東 財神方位:正西 喜神方位:正南
貴神方位:正西 吉門方位:正南 生門方位:西南
鶴神方位:西北 五鬼方位:正東 死門方位:東北
八卦方位:艮 生肖:豬 人神在:肝足/胸脅/項/股
今日沖煞:豬日沖蛇( 巳)歲煞西 胎神占方:倉庫床外西北
Sirius: Monday May 11, 2015
The lunar calendar: 2015 March 23 sheep
Geng Chenyue Ding Hairi: Yi Wei heavenly stems and Earthly Branches
On duty: compare Yima days tiancang not Jintang Baoguang
Today should be: not everything
Duty: four month big demon breaking seven poor bird to the dead day
Today bogey: not everything
Ding Hai house soil cutting day break
Pengzu 100 bogey: Ding not shaved head main sores unmarried must be brokenapart Hai Yi cure will host Ankang
Yao Xian: auspicious, Jin Fu Jing Jiuxing: specially stars: Zhang
The God of fortune: East West range: the range azimuth: South xishen
God: your range range: South West the door range: Southwest
Open range: Southeast
God: Crane range northwest range: East Gate dead azimuth Wugui: Northeast
Gossip directions: Gen zodiac: Pig God in liver: foot / chest / item / unit
Today the evil Red: Pig Oki snake (have) at the French side: evil westnorthwest warehouse outside the bed for
易居士吉日通书 YIJUSHI Almanac2015.05.11